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Friday, June 30, 2017

They are Here! | Snapchat Filters

I am so excited to be able to write this post.
It has been a little while that I've wanted to expand the shop and add more than just the usual Blogger Templates and little extras for Blogger, and one of these things are Snapchat GeoFilters. I am so excited to be doing this. The first Geofilter that I made wasn't too long ago and I made it for my boss' wedding.
 I love designing and making templates, and now slowly starting to expand my shop. I am always learning and trying to make my designs better, and being to add new things to the shop is very exciting. I am working on a lot more filters and other things for the shop and I cant wait to share them with you all. I hope that you all like the snapchat filters and be on the look out for new filters and other really cool things coming to Lovely Paris very soon.

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