Fashion | Life | Baby | Design

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Work Line | Charming Charlie "Overboard"

Hello Dear Reader ! So in my last post I mentioned that a new line arrived at work, and that i was super obsessed with it. So I took my camera and decided to snap a couple of pictures of my favorite things from the new line called Overboard.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Gifts

Hello Peeps!

So I hope that you all had a fabulous Christmas and got all you wanted!

Usually every Christmas I ask for something specific, but this year I just went with the flow! I was really happy to see that I got the new Naked 3!! I was soo excited and I really cannot wait until I really know how to use it! The colors are so amazing and this came with little primer samples inside and there were different types like for anti-aging or just to prevent the eyeshadow from smearing. But yeah, just wanted to say that I hope you all had a good holiday!

Oh, and maybe tomorrow I will be posting some pictures of the new line that arrived at work (Charming Charlie) It is amazing! It is called "OverBoard" and its all anchors and nautical-inspired things, its the cutest things. So yeah, I will see you all tomorrow! 

P.S- My sisters absolutely LOVED their christmas presents.

(see what I got them by CLICKING HERE!) 

Have a great week!!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Liebster Award !

Hello Everyone!
I got nominated for a Liebster award, and the first time I wasn't able to do it because I was so busy
and totally forgot! But I wanna thank the lovely Kai and Xyza for nominating me! I really appreciate it!!

As most of you are aware, it's a Q & A  and it is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers on BlogLovin. Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about newer bloggers/blogs. 

The rules are very easy:

Tell 11 random facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you.
Choose 11 blogs you like and link them in your post.
Write 11 questions for these bloggers, so they can answer them.
Go to their page and let them know that you nominated them.

So I guess I will start with 11 random facts about myself :) 

1. I am Puerto Rican
2. I have a cross tattoo on my back
3. I am left handed
4. My favorite color is pink and coral.
5. I am a very shy person when I first meet people
6. I graduate in 2012
7. I love London and I want to move there even though I have never been :)
8.  Im really good at doing an Irish accent (thanks to Love/Hate the TV show)
9.  I owned a yellow convertible bug and it was STANDARD!! (her name was Tinker)
10. I love british TV shows! (pretty much all i watch)
11.  My dog is my baby

And since Kai was the one to nominate me last, I will answer her questions! 

1. If money were no issue, what would you do?
I would go on a shopping spree.. in New York
2. Favorite season? 
3. If you could only have one make up product for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Urban Decay !
4. What is your favorite food?
Anything Italian 
5. Do you prefer heels, flats/sandals, or tennis shoes?
Some really nice heels!
6. Who have you learned the most from in life?
My Parents
7. Favorite music genre/song?
I listen to alot of different music!! but my favorite song ever is Shut it Down- Drake
8. Most used social media site? (aside from blog sites!)
Instagram :D
9. Do you speak another language? If so, which ones? If not, which would you choose?
I speak Spanish , but I wish I could speak French :)
10. Are you into sports?
Yes I LOVE sports. Tennis is my sport.
11. Favorite TV show/movie?
Favorite show is Downton Abbey

Alrighty! So my nominees are going to be the following!!
And the 11 questions I have are these!!
1. What is your favorite beauty product?
2. What is your hobby? [ besides blogging :) ]
3.  Favorite color(s)? 
4. How did you decide you wanted to start blogging?
5. Who is the person you go to whenever you just need to talk?
6.  If you could travel to one place, where would you go?
7. Do you have any pets? If yes, how many and what are their names?
8. If you could meet someone famous who would you want to meet?
9.  Do you like to wear a lot of jewelry?
10.  Favorite designer?
11. If you could change something about the world, what would you change?
Well that was fun!! I hope that you all get involved and spread the Blog Love!
Thanks again if you nominated me :)


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Ultimate Gift Set | Sister Gift Set

Hello Dear Readers ! 
So this Christmas I decided to do gifts a little bit different. I always just buy them something, wrap it, put it under the tree and that's it. But this year I decided to put a little more of a personal touch to it! As you may or may not know I work at Charming Charlie, so finding a cute gift for my 27 & 28 year old sisters was not going to be that difficult. Here is all i bought and what I did step by step :) 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

How To Center Things on Blogger

Hello Reader!

So I haven't posted in a couple of days because of work, school and I've been designing like 8 blogs at once so Its been pretty crazy! I can't wait until finals are over so I can start blogging more about fashion and others, but for today here is a quick Blog Tutorial! 

Here are some codes to center things on your Blog!!

Just go to Template> Customize> Advanced> Add CSS

Center your Header Image:
#header-inner img {margin: 0 auto:}

Center your Post Title:
.post-title {text-align: center;}

Center your Post Date:
.date header {text-align: center;}

Center your Gadget Titles:
.section-columns h2, #sidebar-right-1 h2, #sidebar-left-1 h2 {text-align: center;}

Hope it works!
See You Next Time.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fun With Pictures | Favorite Big Necklaces

So I am home, super bored so I decided to have a bit of fun and take some pictures!!
I also decided to show you all my favorite necklaces!
Now, I wanted to say that I love editing pictures and I like making them look different 
and have different colors and effects to them, so with that said, here they are.
ENJOY ! :)

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