Fashion | Life | Baby | Design

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Puerto Rico Vlogs | Part 1

Hey Lovelies!
So as promised, Puerto Rico vlogs! I had so much fun back home and being able to share some of the things I did with you all. I didn't record all the time just because I mostly just wanted to enjoy myself ( and I did ) and so I put some of the days together. Like for this vlog, I put together the first and second day together. The next vlog is just a really short one for the wedding day and the photography job. But yeah, I'll leave it at that! So let me know what you guys think and make sure to subscribe!!


Friday, November 14, 2014

20 Facts About Me | Video!

Hey Everyone!
I have posted another video! I am so proud of myself. I have been making videos and posting them on time. What I do is film them, upload them ( but keep them private ) and then publish them on a certain day. If your a YouTuber, do you do that or what? Let me know!

Anyways, for todays video I tell you some facts about me. It is a quick little video but it was fun to make and just sit down and list some things about myself. Oh, I did forget to mention that I went to elementary school with Austin Mahone. I found his picture when I was looking through an old yearbook from my elementary days and I found him in there. I thought that was interesting but forgot to say it in the video. Anyways, here is the video. I hope you enjoy!

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE!! :)


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

DIY "Tierrita" Dessert | Video!

Hi Guys!!
I don't know if you can tell or not, but I am trying to keep my blog and YouTube channel interesting and diverse instead of always being about the same things. So, in this little video, I am showing you guys how I make one of my favorite desserts or pretty much just my favorite thing to eat ever! In the video I made half of the recipe and everything is listed in the video. But, I am going to post the entire recipe for all of you guys. So here it is.

Full Recipe: 
1 Cream Cheese
1/2 bar of butter (melted or softened)
1/2 cup of powdered sugar
2 boxes of chocolate (or vanilla) pudding
3 1/2 cups of milk
16 oz. of Cool Whip or 2 cups of heavy cream
16 Oreos without the cream filling
Cups ( maybe that look like flower pots). 

Still follow the same steps found in the video!


Have an amazing week


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My Guide to Happiness | A Little Video

My video todays has nothing to do with fashion or beauty, but happiness. In this video, I tell you guys some of the things that helped me when I was at my lowest point. I did write a couple of posts on here a while back about me feeling down and how I was started to feel better, so now I sat down and filmed a video about it. 

Now, these tips really helped me, and I understand that they might not work for all, but I really hope they do. They are just the ones that got me through my little moments.

Anyways! Here it is a little video about Happiness.

What makes you happy? Let me know!!


Have a good week! 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Maria Isabel Photography | An Aggie Engagement

So this past Saturday I got the opportunity to better my photography skills and get some more experience. I was so excited and nervous about doing this shoot, and when I got there I just over thought everything and got even more nervous, but once I started to get in the zone I felt really confident and just let everything sort of flow. Looking back at when I first started with photographing my best friends back home, I can see the process in my pictures and in my editing and it is really rewarding. Oh, I am also getting the opportunity to shoot their wedding! My first big job! :)

The Learning Photographer
I don't really know how other photographers work, but I know that what I want to better in is sort of the lighting. Finding the perfect lighting and just making the photo speak for itself. I want to be able to get them on my computer and do as little editing. I feel if you over edit it, you loose what the whole picture has to offer. Don't get me wrong, pictures do need editing to look better but I like just being able to bring out the colors, make them brighter and give them a sharp contrast. I feel like in the process of learning to be a good photographer, editing is one of the toughest part. A picture can either become really beautiful and vibrant or dull and colorless. This to me is one of the toughest parts. I am so lucky to be able to have the experience and opportunity to grow as a photographer and I cant wait to see what the future holds with this "hobby". 

The Day of the Shoot
So anyways, Saturday my trusty assistant ( my sister and the couples friend ), headed to College Station, Texas and paid a visit to the wonderful school that is Texas A&M University. I have never been up there and I was really excited. I have heard a lot about College Station and not going to lie, but like half of my high school goes there. Anyways, we met up with them about 4:30 just when the sun started to head down and the game was over (which they won by the way). We headed to the station which was now empty and started the shoot. We were able to get on the field and take some amazing shots. Once we did that, we needed to get out and there was a man (which was a player) who took us through the new locker room. It was amazing. It felt like we were in a spaceship and above every players locker there was a TV with their pictures and their information. It was incredible. This was the couples favorite part. He graduate from here so it was a great experience and I was so glad we were able to do that. We then headed around campus and took more pics, but instead of explaining it I will let you see it for yourself. 

There are a lot of pictures but these are some of my favorite ones!

This is my favorite one :)


(While you're there, make sure to like my Facebook Page)

I hope that you all liked this little post. I love being able to share my photos with you all.

What would be your ideal place to take pictures?
Let me know what you guys think!


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