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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Channel Trailer | Video

Today was a really chill day. Just one of those lazy Saturdays where I just want to lay in bed and do nothing. Even though I laid in bed most of the day, I did do something, and I think that little something turned out pretty cool!

Milani Lipstick Collection | Video

So a couple of days ago, I filmed a little video telling you all about my Milani Lipstick collection and did a little review on them.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Puerto Rico Vlog and Pics

Hello Loves! Long time no see. 
This past week I decided to just get away for a little while. Just to clear my head, de-stress, and relax. And what better place to do that at than back home in Puerto Rico. My cousin, who is like my sister is having a baby and was throwing a gender reveal party, so I went and surprised her. It was so awesome. She seriously wasn't expecting it and I was so excited to be able to be there and find out what baby was going to be! I seriously had such an amazing 5 days and they were over way too fast. Anyways, I will leave you with my little vlog and some pictures. I hope that you like the vlog, and if you haven't visited Puerto Rico, please do. You don't need a passport to go there and it uses American Currency so do it!! :)
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