So if you read my previous Late Night Post, you might have read
that I love to listen to a radio station in London, called BBC Radio 1.
I seriously enjoy listening to that radio station and Capital London because they play
music that I listen to everyday here in Texas, but they also play music that they
don't play here in the United States and they seriously should. These radio stations
are pretty cool and they play barley any commercials. On a regular basis, radio stations
here in the United States play like 8 commercials in a row and over there like
3. Its a big difference and it is really cool to hear all of the different things they say.
But anyways, as I listened to BBC Radio 1 the other night, I heard a really good song that I now
have had stuck in my head for hours. I really wanted to buy it on iTunes, but they don't have it.
Its a really catchy "tune" (like they say in UK) and I thought that I would share it with you all. Its
called La La La by Naughty Boy.
Hope you like it as much as I do.