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Monday, July 8, 2013


Hello Everyone Reading this!
So today I just wanted to post something normal and not really about anything THAT important.
This weekend i spent it with my sisters because they came into town and also with my granparents, so i haven't had much time to think of a really good post to write, but i just wanted to post something since I havent in a couple of days! 
   This have been going alright. I start my new job tomorrow and Im feeling alot of mixed emotions. Im scared, nervous, excited, and anxious but I know that God will be right there getting me through all of these things. Everytime something scares me or makes me feel insecure or uncomfortable, i turn to my family and God. I may feel lost at times, but there is a good sense of peace whenever I know that God does things for a reason. 
   I honestly cannot wait to do something different with my time, and do other things! I cant wait to start posting more and making new videos and sharing them with everyone. 
So for now that is all, but i will try to post tomorrow when I get home from work and let you know how my day went at my new job ! Hope you all have a lovely day and I will leave you with this video to enjoy !! :) 


WARNING: Strong Language, but really funny so don' t be so uptight :)

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