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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Ultimate Gift Set | Sister Gift Set

Hello Dear Readers ! 
So this Christmas I decided to do gifts a little bit different. I always just buy them something, wrap it, put it under the tree and that's it. But this year I decided to put a little more of a personal touch to it! As you may or may not know I work at Charming Charlie, so finding a cute gift for my 27 & 28 year old sisters was not going to be that difficult. Here is all i bought and what I did step by step :) 

The first thing that I did was I bough something simple, nice and something that they wouldn't usually
buy themselves, but I bough a gift that they would really like and that reminded me of them both. 
Then I went to Michael's and spent too much money on crafty things. I bought ribbons, an X-Acto knife, 2 brown boxes, little scrapbook stickers, and some confetti looking paper to fill the boxes with and some scrapbook paper.
The next thing that I did was i wrote in pencil the name of my sister on the box, then I made a bow out of the ribbon and glued it at the top-middle of the box, and then put a sticker. 
Once I got my sisters name written the way I wanted to, I went over it with a thin sharpie. I really love doing this calligraphy! 
Then I put the stuffing in the box and had it ready to go. Once i finished this I put more stickers around the box and just added a personal touch to it, and made it look cute. 
This is a gift for one of my sisters. 
Then I added the essentials. I took the prices off with a sharpie and left the tag on just in case they wanted to return or exchange it to something else. 
I put the shirt on the top so they can pick it up first and then see the jewelry that went with it!
The other gift :)
And then I put the shirt on top of this one as well. 

And that is all! It is really easy, But i did spend a bit of money on the whole thing, but it was worth it because I made it personal and I know that they are really going to like it. The reason I didn't put a Christmas theme to it was because I wanted them to be able to use the boxes to store things in it and be able to use it all year around! :)

I hope that you liked this! 


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