Fashion | Life | Baby | Design

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Hello !

Hello Reader! So As you may or may not have seen I decided to start Vlogging. Its a lot harder than it looks to actually make them interesting or just to have stuff to say because my life is not that exciting! I have been trying to come up with good ideas to post on my blog, but now I just need the time to actually sit down and do them. My schedule hasn't really allowed it lately and it upsets me because I want to have a good entertaining blog. I have been working a lot and going to school, so I am constantly away from home and when I do get home I am either tired or it's to late to stay up and work on this. I am exhausted but I got to keep on going because school is the only way that I can be what I want to be in the future. But, in the mean time I have my part time job and I really enjoy it! My favorite part is when women come in with dresses or outfits that they need jewelry for and I can help them find the ones that they need. A lot of them are so thankful when I find them what they need and It makes me feel great! I also learn a lot about fashion. What is trending, what is new, and what colors look good and super awesome together! So with the experience that I am getting at work, I hope that I can find some cool ways to be able to share them with all of you! I have some amazing co workers and I finally have made it on one of my managers good side! My job is great! 

And that is all I have to say! I am hoping to vlog tomorrow even though I have to work, but hopefully I can make some cool things!!

Lots of Love,
Maria Isabel


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