Fashion | Life | Baby | Design

Friday, September 27, 2013

New Found Love :)

Hello People!
Hello Whoever is reading this.

So recently I have been busy with school work and work in general, but my imagination does not stop running. I have been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do with my life. I want to major in Mass Communications- Broadcasting and Journalism and my heart is set on it.  But i also found something else that I would like to do and that is photography. I don't want to study it in college or anything but I would love to be able to do it as a hobby and to learn and be good at it. I think pictures are amazing. The way that you can capture moments, make the colors be reflected by the sun or just take some weird pictures and make them look amazing. I love sitting on my computer and editing pictures. I know that I might not be the best at taking pictures, but I really want to learn how to make them look cooler and how to properly work a camera. All of the pictures that I post on here were taken by my digital camera Canon Powershot s100, and I love how much color the camera captures. I also use my dads old camera Canon EOS. Its a big professional camera, but I am still not use to it and I think its because I don't know how to properly use it, and that will be my goal for the next couple of weeks is to figure it out and make the photos look great like they are suppose to. I am trying to save up to get the camera that I really want and that is the Canon 6D! Ugh, I want that camera so bad, but with my new car payments and my laptop payments, I don't think that I can get it anytime soon. But, for now I will use and make the best of what I have!! Here is an example of my dads camera pictures and the one from my digital camera. 
These pictures above are of the same flower. One was taken by my digital camera and one was taken from the professional camera that my dad has. You can really see the difference! The picture on the left was taken with my digital one and it shows a lot of the colors and the background and with the one on the right the colors look more subtle and the flower is perfectly captured! Its kinda crazy the difference, and I honestly just noticed that. I love the professional camera and I am excited to learn all of its tricks! 
But yeah, that is all I wanted to say today.. Honestly, if you read all of this, thank you !

See you guys next time!!
Maria Isabel


Tuesday, September 24, 2013



So on my previous post I wrote about how I was planning on checking out these gardens in Houston that my parents had visited a while back and I did! I took so pretty cool pictures there and I would love to take pictures of someone there! They are really cool and have neat places to take cute family pictures! I really enjoyed taking and editing these pictures so I hope that you all like them!



Monday, September 23, 2013



So I could go on about how school is boring and how work has been keeping me busy, but instead I am going to talk to you more about somethings that I have planned! 
So I am planning to go to some gardens and take some cool pictures in the near future and I have even got some co workers willing to help me so I am really excited about that. We just have to plan a good day that we can go and check these places out! I want to do different style photo shoots and tell you all how easy it is to obtain that look or explain the style and look! I am also planning to talk to some friends see if they are willing to let me take some cool pictures of them as well. I am not saying that they will be crazy professionally or anything but It is all about having fun and making them look as best as I can because I seriously believe that taking pictures is one of the funnest things that I can do with my time and you can see the world and ideas through other peoples imagination and creativity in the pictures! So, once I get all of the things planned out I will start posting some cool pictures on here again! I have planned to go and check out the gardens tomorrow for a quick preview and I might to a little vlog as well so that might be fun too!! 

Thanks for stopping by again ! And make sure to come back really soon!! :)

Maria Isabel


Thursday, September 19, 2013


Hello !

Hello Reader! So As you may or may not have seen I decided to start Vlogging. Its a lot harder than it looks to actually make them interesting or just to have stuff to say because my life is not that exciting! I have been trying to come up with good ideas to post on my blog, but now I just need the time to actually sit down and do them. My schedule hasn't really allowed it lately and it upsets me because I want to have a good entertaining blog. I have been working a lot and going to school, so I am constantly away from home and when I do get home I am either tired or it's to late to stay up and work on this. I am exhausted but I got to keep on going because school is the only way that I can be what I want to be in the future. But, in the mean time I have my part time job and I really enjoy it! My favorite part is when women come in with dresses or outfits that they need jewelry for and I can help them find the ones that they need. A lot of them are so thankful when I find them what they need and It makes me feel great! I also learn a lot about fashion. What is trending, what is new, and what colors look good and super awesome together! So with the experience that I am getting at work, I hope that I can find some cool ways to be able to share them with all of you! I have some amazing co workers and I finally have made it on one of my managers good side! My job is great! 

And that is all I have to say! I am hoping to vlog tomorrow even though I have to work, but hopefully I can make some cool things!!

Lots of Love,
Maria Isabel


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hello All :)

HEY !! 

So i know that I promised a good post, but I have been so busy that I haven't had time to just sit down and take sometime for myself, and I wish that I did have more time because I would love to post more things on here because I absolutely love to blog. But, hopefully I can make more vlogs for all of you to see and I hope that they get better over time since I am just starting out.

But anyways,  just a little update on what has been going on the past couple of days!

So I asked off of work this weekend because I was planning to go out of town, but then those plans fell through. My dad had to work on Saturday and so we really couldn't go. But instead we spent all Saturday at a Ford dealership and I got a new car!! I was so happy that I am finally responsible for my own car even though I know that its going to be a lot of sacrifice since I do like to by my own things and have money for my self, but that's what comes with growing up right?

Anyways, I am so in love with my car! Its small and cute just like I wanted and its saves a lot of gas which is great since I will be traveling to school soon. But It do miss my bug. Its weird because it's just a car and all, but it was my first car and the memories of high school were all made in it. Picking up my friends, putting the top down and blasting the music with my best friend, kissing boys and sneaking out to parties. It was a great car and I am really missing it, but I can't wait to make new memories in this new car. Its a new exciting thing that I get to experience!

But yeah! That's just a little update on how I have been feeling the couple of days, but I am happy about the outcome :)

As I type this my first vlog is processing. It was just a little video I made about a shopping trip I had the other day, but I did want to start making videos so I needed to start somewhere!

Oh, and you should know that I did make a friend! :) I am not one to make new friends easily, but I did! HAHA. But anyways, If you read all of this, thank you. It feels nice just to be able to sit here and say all of this.

New Video should be up tonight or tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by!

Maria Isabel


Tuesday, September 10, 2013



So If you have visited my blog before, then you probably have seen the many changes that I have made to it. I have probably changed the theme and design of it 100 times, but I seriously think that I am obsessed with changing everything on it. I love to make it look pretty and I just get bored of the same things over and over again, so once more I changed it. As I promised on my last post, today is the day to start posting some good stuff on here, not just these boring rants I go on :). And with that being said, I am going to stop now, and get to working on making some interesting things for this re did blog. And, just incase you are wondering.. I might change the design again.. just not anytime soon, because I think I actually like this one. And so that is all I am going to say. 

Now It's time to turn on some music and do what I love to do.. Make cool posts :)

Hope you enjoy the look of this and make sure to come visit me on Tumblr! (newly addict)

Maria Isabel

Friday, September 6, 2013

Hello Deary!

Hello Dear Readers!
So I know that I haven't posted recently or done anything interesting as I have promised, but school and work have been keeping me from doing so. I have been trying to write down some ideas and get somethings together to make a good post for all of you, but my time is limited, which I don't like!
But I promise that this Tuesday I will do my best to post something very good!! So don't abandon me.
I will be back before you know it, thanks again for stopping by

Maria Isabel


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

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