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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Where Have I Been | Update

Hello, my loves.
It has been a really long time since I have posted anything on my blog or my Youtube Channel. But, to say that 2018 was an interesting year is an understatement. So I thought that I would come on the blog and write an update on things.

So first of all, around April 2018 I got my first full-time job which was taking up all of my time since it was now an 8-5 job which I was not use to. I would get home extremely tired and never really wanted to film or post anything during the week because I just couldn't find the time to do so. So that is when everything on the blog and on my channel came to a halt.

Then, on July 2nd I found out that I was pregnant! New job and a new baby was all an overwhelming time in my life. Things started to get even crazier and a lot of drama started. From then on my life took a big turn and I was not in a good place(not because I was pregnant, but everything that was affected because of it, I was happy about my bun in the oven).
To say that I had a rocky pregnancy would be an understatement, but I am happy to say that 10 months later, I am beyond happy, here on my bed typing this with a sleeping baby boy on my lap. Obviously things aren't as I would really want them, but I have learned to accept things as they are and nothing comes close to the amazing feeling being a mom has.

I hope to start posting more soon when baby is a little bit older and is on a better routine, but for now, I am just trying to get in as much time with my baby as I can before I return to work and trying to get some sleep in when I can.
I cannot wait to share all this journey with you all.
2019 is our year.
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